Hedgehog Highway Project


How many hedgehogs have you seen recently in St Dennis?

Hedgehogs are in decline everywhere and the Parish Council are considering supporting the Hedgehog Highway project but before we do we need to establish if there is an interest in this project within the village. It is a great way to introduce wildlife into your garden. Hedgehogs love to eat slugs and bugs, so they act as a natural pesticide. Please be aware though that slug pellets can poison animals and kill the invertebrates’ hogs eat. Even an over tidy garden will reduce foraging areas for these cute and prickly creatures.

It has been reported that over 80% of the UK countryside is now uninhabited by hedgehogs, they are increasingly moving to urban areas. This is possibly due to habitat destruction and pesticides wiping out food sources. More and more of them are moving to human habitation as a refuge. Residential gardens can potentially offer many advantages, unfortunately one of the great disadvantages to them is the secure fencing that we all put up to enclose out gardens. This project offers a way to help and for you and your family to get involved in hedgehog conservation.

For further information about the project please visit https://hedgehogsrus.co.uk/hedgehog-highway-project 

Please complete the survey to let us know your thoughts on this project. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5CQGGYX