Parish Council Meetings
St Dennis
With the legislation put into place to enable Town and Parish Councils to hold remote meetings during the current pandemic ending on the 7th May 2021. The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and police and Crime panel meetings) England and wales Regulations 2020. St Dennis Parish Council are returning to face-to-face meetings. Whilst we are looking forward to welcoming everybody back into one room we are still under other restrictions as a result of the ongoing situation with the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Due to the restrictions that are still in place, the venue’s that we are using to hold our meetings have a limited capacity for members of the public to attend.
Therefore, we are requesting that any members of the public who wish to bring up items under the Public Participation Section, if possible, should do so via email or telephone prior to the commencement of the meeting. These can then be read by the Clerk or a Councillor on your behalf and a response can be forwarded to you following the meeting.
If you wish to attend in person, please contact the clerk so that we can ensure the maximum capacity of the meeting room is not exceeded. We will endeavor to make suitable arrangements for your attendance, this may include giving time slots for individuals to attend a specific part of the meeting, so we can safely manage the capacity of the room. If there are groups of people wishing to discuss the same subject, we would appreciate it if you would nominate a spokesperson for the group and any dialect with the Parish Council should go through the nominated person, provision will be made for them to attend and talk on your behalf.
Alternatively, if you have a concern that you think the Parish Council may be able to help with you can contact the Parish Council Office Monday to Friday 9.30 – 12.30 (excluding bank holidays).